HFS Illinois Department of 
Healthcare and Family Services JB Pritzker, Governor

Illinois Child Support Estimator

Your actual child support and/or medical support amounts may differ from the results you get from this estimator. The support amount varies depending upon many factors, each situation is different.

** Please note: An asterisk in the section title indicates a required field, click Information icon for help messages.

* Children

Number of children are required, please answer to continue.

* Parenting Time

Parenting time is required, please answer to continue.

* Overnight Stays

The number of overnight stays are required, please answer to continue.

* Your Income

Please provide information about your income.

* Other Parent's Income

Please provide information about the other parent's income.

You Receive Spousal Maintenance

Please provide maintenance amount and frequency.

Other Parent Receives Spousal Maintenance

Please provide maintenance amount and frequency.

You Pay Spousal Maintenance

Please provide maintenance amount and frequency.

Other Parent Pays Spousal Maintenance

Please provide support amount and frequency.

Social Security Dependent Benefit Allotment

Please provide Social Security Benefit amount.


Multi-Order: You Pay Additional Child Support

Please provide support amount and frequency.


Multi-Order: Other Parent Pays Additional Child Support

Please provide support amount and frequency.


Multi-Family: You Support Additional Children

Please provide number of multi-family children you support


Multi-Family: Other Parent Supports Additional Children

Please provide number of multi-family children the other parent supports


* Health Insurance Coverage

Please complete health insurance information.


You Pay Child Care

Please complete child care information.

Other Parent Pays Child Care

Please complete child care information.

You Pay Extraordinary Expenses

Please complete other expense information.

Other Parent Pays Extraordinary Expenses

Please complete other expense information.

Estimated Payments




