Mobile/Offline Version
Mobile/Offline Version
Choose the MOBILE/OFFLINE link for a version of the Estimator that has been optimized for use on your mobile device or if you are in an area without internet coverage. This version of the Estimator is designed to function with or without an internet connection. It will calculate support obligations but will not produce a worksheet. To produce a worksheet, you must use the full version and have an internet connection.
Case Information
Number of Overnights
Enter 365, unless the parents have a court approved parenting plan and/or an order of the court stating the number of overnights. When there is a court approved parenting plan and/or an order of the court, enter the number of overnights the CP exercises with the child(ren) pursuant to the court approved parenting plan and/or the order of the court.

A Shared Physical Care adjustment will be made to the support obligation, if/when the CP exercises less than 220 overnights with the child(ren).
Recommended Child Support Obligation:
Recommended Child Support Obligation
These dollar amounts represent the recommended child support obligation owed by each parent. Health insurance obligations can reduce the support obligation depending on what entity is providing the coverage.

If insurance is being provided by the parent who is also the obligor, then the obligee's share of health insurance is subtracted from the obligor's contribution toward the basic/shared care child support obligation with the difference appearing at right.

If insurance is being provided by the parent who is the obligee or the State of Illinois, then amount at right will be the basic/shared care child support obligation. The obligor's share of the health insurance will appear below.
Recommended Health Insurance Obligation:
Recommended Health Insurance Obligation
These dollar amounts represent the recommended health insurance obligation owed by each parent. Health insurance obligations can reduce the support obligation depending on what entity is providing the coverage.

If insurance is being provided by the parent who is also the obligor, then the obligee's share of health insurance is subtracted from the obligor's contribution toward the basic child support obligation with the difference appearing as the Recommended Child Support Obligation..

If insurance is being provided by the parent who is the obligee or the State of Illinois, the obligor's share of the health insurance will appear at right.
Determine Net Income Using:
Determine Net Income Using
Choose whether net will be calculated by using the standardized method of converting gross to net or the individualized. If choosing individualized, you will need to manually enter the calculated, individualized net income.
Monthly Income
Gross Monthly Income:
Gross Monthly Income
Enter each parent's total gross income from all sources, except: TANF, SNAP and SSI.

Please note, maintenance received and paid/payable, in addition to Social Security Dependent Benefit Allotment, are entered individually below and are not to be included in this field.
Net Monthly Income:
Individualized Net income
If the standardized method of calculating net income was chosen above, this field is to be left blank as this will be automatically calculated using the Standardized Gross to Net Conversion Table.

If the individualized method of calculating net income was chosen, then enter the resulting calculation of individualized net income for the parent(s) electing to use an individualized tax amount.
Maintenance received pursuant to an order:
Ordered Maintenance
Enter spousal support/maintenance/alimony received by the party.
Receivable Maintenance Established Date:
Maintenance Established Date
Enter month/day/year receivable maintenance was established. Established date of spousal maintenance prior to January 1, 2019, will show the spousal maintenance added to the gross monthly income amount. Established date of spousal maintenance on or after January 1, 2019, will show the spousal maintenance added to the adjusted net income amount.
Receivable maintenance calculated using 2019 rules:
Calculate Using 2019 Rules
Check box if receivable maintenance was established prior to January 1, 2019, however, by agreement of the parties pursuant to a court order, 2019 maintenance rules apply.
Maintenance paid or payable pursuant to an order:
Other Maintenance
Enter court ordered maintenance/spousal support paid or payable to the other parent in this case, or that is actually paid to a former spouse.
Payable Maintenance Established Date:
Payable Maintenance Established Date
Enter month/day/year payable maintenance was established. Established date of spousal maintenance prior to January 1, 2019, will show the spousal maintenance subtracted from the gross monthly income amount. Established date of spousal maintenance on or after January 1, 2019, will show the spousal maintenance subtracted from the adjusted net income amount.
Payable maintenance calculated using 2019 rules:
Calculate Using 2019 Rules
Check box if payable maintenance was established prior to January 1, 2019, however, by agreement of the parties pursuant to a court order, 2019 maintenance rules apply.
Social Security Dependent Benefit Allotment:
Social Security Benefit
Enter the Social Security Dependent Benefit Allotment amount that is being paid for the subject child(ren) on behalf of the retired/disabled parent. This amount will be added to any amounts entered in the Gross Monthly Income.

Then, once an obligation is calculated, if the retired/disabled parent is determined to be the obligor, he/she will receive a credit in this amount against the calculated support amount.
Multi-family Adjustments to Net Income
Multi-Family Adjustment with Order:
Multi-Family Adjustment with Order
Enter the monthly amount paid pursuant to the terms of an order or orders for children who are not subject to this proceeding.

If the terms are other than monthly, first you will need to convert the periodic amount to a monthly amount.

If there are multiple orders for multiple children, you will need to convert the obligations to a monthly amount, add the amounts together, then enter the sum in this field.
Number of children covered by additional child support orders:
Number of children on order
Enter the number of children for whom support is being paid pursuant to the terms entered in the multi-family adjustment with order field.
Multi-Family Adjustment without Order:
Multi-Family Adjustment w/o Order
Upon request or application of a parent supporting a presumed, acknowledged, or adjudicated child(ren) living in or outside of that parent's household, and for whom an order for support has not been established, enter the amount of financial support actually paid by the parent. If unknown, leave as 0.00.

Note: The calculator uses the individual's income to determine 75% of the support the parent should pay under the child support guidelines. This amount is only used when it is less than the amount the parent is actually paying to support the children.
Number of additional children supported, no court order:
Number of children w/o order
If the parent is not providing any actual support for the child for whom an Multi-Family Adjustment is being sought, then the number of children should be left blank.

Enter the number of children for whom the parent has a responsibility, but who do not have an order for support established. Do not include children who are, or will be, subject to the order that may result from this calculation.

This number will be used to calculate a possible adjustment the parent will receive against his/her net income prior to the establishment of support for the subject children.
Child's Monthly Health Insurance
Health Insurance
If the children's health insurance is being provided by the State of Illinois, then choose PROVIDED from the TYPE dropdown menu and State of Illinois from the FROM dropdown menu. The AMOUNT and NUMBER COVERED fields will not be editable.

If the children's health insurance is being provided by one of the parents, then choose PROVIDED from the TYPE dropdown menu and the appropriate parent from the FROM dropdown menu. Next, enter the actual cost of the insurance in the AMOUNT field. If known, enter the amount to add the subject child(ren) to the health insurance plan. If unknown, enter the total amount the providing parent is paying for the health insurance. Finally, in NUMBER COVERED enter the number of people who are being covered under the health insurance for the amount entered.

If the children do not currently have health insurance, but one of the parents has health insurance available, then choose AVAILABLE from the TYPE dropdown menu and the appropriate parent from the FROM dropdown menu. Next, enter the actual cost of the insurance in the AMOUNT field. If known, enter the amount to add the subject child(ren) to the health insurance plan. If unknown, enter the total amount the providing parent would pay for health insurance after adding the children. Finally, in NUMBER COVERED enter the number of people who will be covered under the health insurance for the amount entered.

If neither parent has health insurance available and the child is not eligible for medical assistance, choose NONE from the TYPE dropdown menu. The FROM, AMOUNT and NUMBER COVERED fields will not be editable.
Other Expenses:
Other Expenses
Items listed in the OTHER EXPENSES section, Extraordinary Extracurricular Activities and School Expenses and Child Care Expenses, are not included in the amounts shown as Child Support Obligation or Health Insurance Obligation. Items in this section are essentially non-IV-D in nature and would only be enforced if court ordered and made payable to the SDU. The court, in its discretion, may order either or both parents to contribute to these OTHER EXPENSES.
Child Care Expenses:
Child Care Expenses
Child Care Expenses are essentially non-IV-D in nature and would only be enforced if made payable to the SDU. The court, in its discretion, may order either or both parents to contribute to this OTHER EXPENSE. This is an informational field only. It will not affect the calculation of the child support obligation or the health insurance obligation. If provided, enter the actual cost of the child care as a monthly amount.
Extraordinary School and Extracurricular Activity Expenses:
School Expenses
Extraordinary Extracurricular Activity Expenses are essentially non-IV-D in nature and would only be enforced if made payable to the SDU. Basic extracurricular activities and school expenses are included in the Schedule of Basic Child Support Obligation and would, therefore, be included in the calculated child support obligation. The court, in its discretion, may order either or both parents to contribute to this OTHER EXPENSE.

This is an informational field only. It will not affect the calculation of the child support obligation or the health insurance obligation. If provided, enter the actual cost of the extraordinary extracurricular activity expenses as a monthly amount.